Thursday, August 21, 2008

"Axiom Rose" - Take Me Home

So there I was...mindin' my own biznez drivin' along in my car.  I reached down to grab hold of my soul-soothin', extra-hot latte with no foam when my misguided hand accidentally hit the button on my radio and sent my signal from Power 88 to "The Pirate" - best of the 70s, 80s and 90s...
Without even knowing what was happening, all of the sudden, my head began to slam backwards and forwards. (fear not!  the following description has nothing to do with spewing green stuff or the likes)  My hand started beating out the rhythm on the steering wheel when I broke out into my best helium-pitched soprano and sang along with Axle Rose and all of his screeching background guitars:

"Take me down to the very last city 
Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty
Oh won't you please take me hooommmeee yaahaa."

I am thinking maybe those are the only words to the entire song because Axle and I must have sang it at least 5 times as I cruised up Cottage Hill Rd.  In a flash, the song was over and I had come back to the 21st century (after a slight mental trip back to the twelfth grade - permed hair, bandanas around the pantleg, swatch watches, jelly bracelets...the whole bit!)

I thought to myself - "how in the world is it that I can remember the words to 20 year old songs and yet I cannot, at times remember what I did yesterday or where I put that piece of paper this morning?"  

I just don't get it!  Does anyone have some explanation for that little file drawer in the head that files away every last lyric to every last song heard.  How 'bout suggestions as to how to put OTHER thoughts etc. into that file?  Anyone know what I am talking about?  SHEEZ!  

I'm thinking if only I could have sang my way through 10th grade Geometry!......  
"Ladies and gentlemen, Axle Rose singing his hit debut -  Pythagorean Paradise"  Now THAT would have been helpful!


Alan+ said...

Actually if it was geometry his name would be axiom rose!

CM said...

As a math tutor, I think you should make up those songs with choreography to learn math.... it would be a big HIT...start with fractions cuz there are a whole lot of kids needing to understand those half pints.